Títol: Dona 
Aquesta obra a estat creada per reflexionar sobre la importància de la dona en el nostre planeta. Sense elles no podríem fer res i la nostra espècie faria anys que estaria extingida. Em conta entendre que avui en dia hi hagi tant de maltractament i assassinats d'aquestes dones que si ens parem a pensar cap home, estaria viu si no fos per la dona. Aquest concepte i respecte a questes ha de canviar en les generacions que ens precedeixin per poder conviurà amb igualtat. La imatge del món dins de la panxa de la dona és la representació de la importància que arriben a tenir i l'infant abracen aquest futur incert però esperançador.
Tecnica: BOLI BIC I Photoshop.

Title: Woman This work was created to reflect on the importance of women on our planet. Without them we could do nothing and our species would be extinct for years. I understand that there are so many abuses and murders of these women today that if we stop to think of any man, he would be alive if it were not for the woman. This concept and with respect to these must change in the generations that precede us to be able to coexist with equality. The image of the world inside the woman's womb is a representation of the importance they come to have and the child embraces this uncertain but hopeful future.Technique: BOLI BIC I Photoshop.
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